This roadmap shows you how you can get started for free. You will also be shown the small investment after the free period.  Have a great day. Dedicated to increasing your income. Tom.

  • Free starter package and 30 day free trail.

  • During the 30 day free trail you will create a 12 month plan together with your coach. This will be free via e-mail with your coach or for a small fee of just € 50,- excluding Dutch VAT with personal communication with your coach.

  • You get access to the digital curriculum on the level of: Digital Concierge Free Starter Package.

  • You receive the general coaching e-mails.

  • Together with your coach you can join the meetings as a general member and also ask questions.

  • When you take your next step your investment will be € 388,- excluding Dutch VAT to become a general member for 3 months. With 30 day money back guarantee. You then also get access to the full curriculum including with your general membership.

  • From month four, your investment as a general member is € 97,- a month excluding Dutch VAT, as well as a fee to your one on one coach - to be agreed upon with your coach. Or a fee of € 50,- excluding Dutch VAT a month to be coached by us in a very small group for 30 minutes a month.

  • Your coach can only coach 1 person in your area of about 20.000 people. During your membership you have the right to use the logo's of Regional Social, OnlineSiteShop and Bill & Larry's Group. You work with regional small business owners, but are not limited to that. You can get clients from other places too.

  • Ask yourself this question: how much clients do you need to break even? How much clients do you need to make an extra € 300,- a month, or € 600,- or € 1200,-?

  • The information you learn can benefit you for the rest of your career.

  • Come on and joint us. You will be very glad you did. 

Get Your Free Starter Package NOW!

Contact the person who pointed you to this web page for more information.

This person can also assist you to get started with your free 30-day starter package.

You may also request your free starter package now and in the request form, you fill in the name of the person who pointed you to this web page.

Please keep in mind that It is only possible to request your free starter package once we know who pointed you to this web page. That person schould be an active member in our program.

The reason is we only work on a member-get-member basis.