DC Workspace Schedule Calendar


Timetable August 2024 / December 2025

This Workspace Schedule Calendar is updated a couple of times a year.

Online Calendar view:
https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=digitalconciergemail%40gmail.com&ctz= Europe%2FBrussels

iCal (download):

You can download a PDF of the timetable with the links to Google Calendar and iCal by clicking on the image below. 

This is an indication. Please look at your weekly DC Digest via e-mail for the most up to date details. Please confirm the fixed scheduled dates with us, before you make any travel arrangements.

Current version is: 2024-08-01

As you can see from the image above, we have a project overview of the available training in our program. However this is mostly members only information. Via the next link you can see the whole calendar for the coming months: https://plan.tomsplanner.nl/public/dc-calendar

This is for both group-presentations as well as group-meetings.

Via e-mail, our members get information for the upcoming presentations and meetings. These include the virtual meeting details as well as details for the live meetings.


As a member, you can join the group meeting sessions that are included in your membership. You should alway register beforehand to join a meeting. Please note that attendance need to be confirmed (by e-mai for example) before access to the meeting is granted.

Members can also schedule a one on one session with Tom Koster based on their membership.