Want to create an extra stream of income next week?

If I offered to build YOU a high-converting sales process
  • With a super-fast turnaround (about 24 hours)
  • Without you needing to worry about "what to say" or how to say it
  • So you can create an extra stream of income NOW
... would you take me up on that offer?
I made more than €1.000.000,- in recurring income from home.
Since then, I teach others how to do it.
Are you next?

A short introduction to Tom Koster & Partners DC Prosperity School.

Listen to the short audio message below and schedule your free strategy session. No cath.

DC Prosperity School - Introduction

Let's schedule a free Zoom session (no catch).

FREE Zoom session (no catch) Click here.


If you like technology, are slightly creative and you love helping other people.

If you want to earn an income and become a business owner.

If you don't want to go to work as an employee anymore.

If you want to learn how to get clients and how to charge for your services, how to get paid and how to get better at the skills you need to be a Digital Concierge?

Then this program is for you.

Instead of just hoping people will find you or instead of putting yourself out there and pitching your services, you can use the Tom Koster & Partners DC Prosperity School method of finding clients that will be a joy to work with.

And you'll learn skills that your clients will happily pay for again and again.

There are some important elements to our DC Prosperity School, and I want to share those with you today.

• We teach you how to get clients, how to set up packages, and how to set your prices.
• We teach you the skills that you need so that you can sharpen those and provide value to your clients.
• We teach you how to set up your Digital Concierge business legally and legit so you're doing things correctly.

That way you can have clients on a long-term basis and not just have clients picking you for just short term projects.

You'll discover how to acquire clients that want to work with you on a recurring basis so that you always know how much money you're going to be bringing in every single month.

You can use the skills you already have to benefit your clients without leaving the comfort of your home and going to work outside.

You can make money while still being available for your family when they need you. And you can have freedom of location so that you can travel and still earn a very nice income.

So who am I?

My name is Tom Koster from The Netherlands. I'm the Ultimate Digital Concierge and also a "personal development, marketing, sales, and franchise guy" who has been in and around the technology industry since the year 1988 and in the digital agency industry since the year 2000. In fact, I still own a digital agency & technology firm today. Providing, online marketing solutions, social media solutions, technology solutions and web solutions to small- and midsized businesses (SMBs) and love it. I do a good job for my clients. But I realized that while I am good at the technology, I was downright masterful at attracting more high-paying small and midsized business clients than I could handle. And I did it with strategies that almost no one else in our industry uses. Now I devote most of my time and energy to guiding people like you do the same thing, so you can become prosperous.

In fact, I am absolutely certain that I can assist you to build and grow your DC business using my unique, proven, and duplicatable systems.

So if building a Digital Concierge business sounds like the right thing for you, your life and your personality. Let's take the next step.

Schedule a call and let's talk about the details of joining the DC Prosperity School and what that would mean for your life.

I'd love to hear more about you and what you're working on and where you want to go and make sure that this is the right fit for you. 

On to prosperity,

Tom Koster 
(From The Netherlands)

Let's schedule a Zoom appointment, your free strategy session (no catch)!

FREE Zoom session (no catch) Click here.